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wp_required_field_message() .
" " . implode( " ", array_unique( (array) $field['helps'] ) ) . ' " . implode( " ", array_unique( (array) $field['helps'] ) ) . '�)�X+!���=�m�ۚ丷~6a^X�)���,�>#&6G���Y��{����"" """ """ """ """ ""��at\/�a�8 �yp%�lhl�n����)���i�t��B�������������?��
$caption = preg_replace( '/[ \n\t]*\n[ \t]*/', '
', $caption );
$html = preg_replace( '/(class=["\'][^\'"]*)align(none|left|right|center)\s?/', '$1', $html );
if ( empty( $align ) ) {
$align = 'none';
$shcode = '[caption id="' . $id . '" align="align' . $align . '" width="' . $width . '"]' . $html . ' ' . $caption . '[/caption]';
* Filters the image HTML markup including the caption shortcode.
* @since 2.6.0
* @param string $shcode The image HTML markup with caption shortcode.
* @param string $html The image HTML markup.
return apply_filters( 'image_add_caption_shortcode', $shcode, $html );
* Private preg_replace callback used in image_add_caption().
* @access private
* @since 3.4.0
* @param array $matches Single regex match.
* @return string Cleaned up HTML for caption.
function _cleanup_image_add_caption( $matches ) {
// Remove any line breaks from inside the tags.
return preg_replace( '/[\r\n\t]+/', ' ', $matches[0] );
* Adds image HTML to editor.
* @since 2.5.0
* @param string $html
function media_send_to_editor( $html ) {
false ) ) {
$time = current_time( 'mysql' );
$post = get_post( $post_id );
if ( $post ) {
// The post date doesn't usually matter for pages, so don't backdate this upload.
if ( 'page' !== $post->post_type && substr( $post->post_date, 0, 4 ) > 0 ) {
$time = $post->post_date;
$file = wp_handle_upload( $_FILES[ $file_id ], $overrides, $time );
if ( isset( $file['error'] ) ) {
return new WP_Error( 'upload_error', $file['error'] );
$name = $_FILES[ $file_id ]['name'];
$ext = pathinfo( $name, PATHINFO_EXTENSION );
$name = wp_basename( $name, ".$ext" );
$url = $file['url'];
$type = $file['type'];
$file = $file['file'];
$title = sanitize_text_field( $name );
$content = '';
$excerpt = '';
if ( preg_match( '#^audio#', $type ) ) {
$meta = wp_read_audio_metadata( $file );
if ( ! empty( $meta['title'] ) ) {
$title = $meta['title'];
if ( ! empty( $title ) ) {
if ( ! empty( $meta['album'] ) && ! empty( $meta['artist'] ) ) {
/* translators: 1: Audio track title, 2: Album title, 3: Artist name. */
$content .= sprintf( __( '"%1$s" from %2$s by %3$s.' ), $title, $meta['album'], $meta['artist'] );
} elseif ( ! empty( $meta['album'] ) ) {
/* translators: 1: Audio track title, 2: Album title. */
$content .= sprintf( __( '"%1$s" from %2$s.' ), $title, $meta['album'] );
} elseif ( ! empty( $meta['artist'] ) ) {
/* translators: 1: Audio track title, 2: Artist name. */
$content .= sprintf( __( '"%1$s" by %2$s.' ), $title, $meta['artist'] );
} else {
/* translators: %s: Audio track title. */
$content .= sprintf( __( '"%s".' ), $title );
} elseif ( ! empty( $meta['album'] ) ) {
if ( ! empty( $meta['artist'] ) ) {
/* translators: 1: Audio album title, 2: Artist name. */
$content .= sprintf( __( '%1$s by %2$s.' ), $meta['album'], $meta['artist'] );
} else {
$content .= $meta['album'] . '.';
} elseif ( ! empty( $meta['artist'] ) ) {
$content .= $meta['artist'] . '.';
if ( ! empty( $meta['year'] ) ) {
/* translators: Audio file track information. %d: Year of audio track release. */
$content .= ' ' . sprintf( __( 'Released: %d.' ), $meta['year'] );
if ( ! empty( $meta['track_number'] ) ) {
$track_number = explode( '/', $meta['track_number'] );
if ( is_numeric( $track_number[0] ) ) {
if ( isset( $track_number[1] ) && is_numeric( $track_number[1] ) ) {
$content .= ' ' . sprintf(
/* translators: Audio file track information. 1: Audio track number, 2: Total audio tracks. */
__( 'Track %1$s of %2$s.' ),
number_format_i18n( $track_number[0] ),
number_format_i18n( $track_number[1] )
} else {
$content .= ' ' . sprintf(
/* translators: Audio file track information. %s: Audio track number. */
__( 'Track %s.' ),
number_format_i18n( $track_number[0] )
if ( ! empty( $meta['genre'] ) ) {
/* translators: Audio file genre information. %s: Audio genre name. */
$content .= ' ' . sprintf( __( 'Genre: %s.' ), $meta['genre'] );
// Use image exif/iptc data for title and caption defaults if possible.
} elseif ( str_starts_with( $type, 'image/' ) ) {
$image_meta = wp_read_image_metadata( $file );
if ( $image_meta ) {
if ( trim( $image_meta['title'] ) && ! is_numeric( sanitize_title( $image_meta['title'] ) ) ) {
$title = $image_meta['title'];
if ( trim( $image_meta['caption'] ) ) {
$excerpt = $image_meta['caption'];
// Construct the attachment array.
$attachment = array_merge(
'post_mime_type' => $type,
'guid' => $url,
'post_parent' => $post_id,
'post_title' => $title,
'post_content' => $content,
'post_excerpt' => $excerpt,
// This should never be set as it would then overwrite an existing attachment.
unset( $attachment['ID'] );
// Save the data.
$attachment_id = wp_insert_attachment( $attachment, $file, $post_id, true );
if ( ! is_wp_error( $attachment_id ) ) {
* Set a custom header with the attachment_id.
* Used by the browser/client to resume creating image sub-sizes after a PHP fatal error.
if ( ! headers_sent() ) {
header( 'X-WP-Upload-Attachment-ID: ' . $attachment_id );
* The image sub-sizes are created during wp_generate_attachment_metadata().
* This is generally slow and may cause timeouts or out of memory errors.
wp_update_attachment_metadata( $attachment_id, wp_generate_attachment_metadata( $attachment_id, $file ) );
return $attachment_id;
* Handles a side-loaded file in the same way as an uploaded file is handled by media_handle_upload().
* @since 2.6.0
* @since 5.3.0 The `$post_id` parameter was made optional.
* @param string[] $file_array Array that represents a `$_FILES` upload array.
* @param int $post_id Optional. The post ID the media is associated with.
* @param string $desc Optional. Description of the side-loaded file. Default null.
* @param array $post_data Optional. Post data to override. Default empty array.
* @return int|WP_Error The ID of the attachment or a WP_Error on failure.
function media_handle_sideload( $file_array, $post_id = 0, $desc = null, $post_data = array() ) {
$overrides = array( 'test_form' => false );
if ( isset( $post_data['post_date'] ) && substr( $post_data['post_date'], 0, 4 ) > 0 ) {
$time = $post_data['post_date'];
} else {
$post = get_post( $post_id );
if ( $post && substr( $post->post_date, 0, 4 ) > 0 ) {
$time = $post->post_date;
} else {
$time = current_time( 'mysql' );
$file = wp_handle_sideload( $file_array, $overrides, $time );
if ( isset( $file['error'] ) ) {
return new WP_Error( 'upload_error', $file['error'] );
$url = $file['url'];
$type = $file['type'];
$file = $file['file'];
$title = preg_replace( '/\.[^.]+$/', '', wp_basename( $file ) );
$content = '';
// Use image exif/iptc data for title and caption defaults if possible.
$image_meta = wp_read_image_metadata( $file );
if ( $image_meta ) {
if ( trim( $image_meta['title'] ) && ! is_numeric( sanitize_title( $image_meta['title'] ) ) ) {
$title = $image_meta['title'];
if ( trim( $image_meta['caption'] ) ) {
$content = $image_meta['caption'];
if ( isset( $desc ) ) {
$title = $desc;
// Construct the attachment array.
$attachment = array_merge(
'post_mime_type' => $type,
'guid' => $url,
'post_parent' => $post_id,
'post_title' => $title,
'post_content' => $content,
// This should never be set as it would then overwrite an existing attachment.
unset( $attachment['ID'] );
// Save the attachment metadata.
$attachment_id = wp_insert_attachment( $attachment, $file, $post_id, true );
if ( ! is_wp_error( $attachment_id ) ) {
wp_update_attachment_metadata( $attachment_id, wp_generate_attachment_metadata( $attachment_id, $file ) );
return $attachment_id;
* Outputs the iframe to display the media upload page.
* @since 2.5.0
* @since 5.3.0 Formalized the existing and already documented `...$args` parameter
* by adding it to the function signature.
* @global string $body_id
* @param callable $content_func Function that outputs the content.
* @param mixed ...$args Optional additional parameters to pass to the callback function when it's called.
function wp_iframe( $content_func, ...$args ) {
global $body_id;
* Filters the image URL sent to the editor.
* @since 2.8.0
* @param string $html HTML markup sent to the editor for an image.
* @param string $src Image source URL.
* @param string $alt Image alternate, or alt, text.
* @param string $align The image alignment. Default 'alignnone'. Possible values include
* 'alignleft', 'aligncenter', 'alignright', 'alignnone'.
$html = apply_filters( 'image_send_to_editor_url', $html, sanitize_url( $src ), $alt, $align );
return media_send_to_editor( $html );
if ( isset( $_POST['save'] ) ) {
$errors['upload_notice'] = __( 'Saved.' );
wp_enqueue_script( 'admin-gallery' );
return wp_iframe( 'media_upload_gallery_form', $errors );
} elseif ( ! empty( $_POST ) ) {
$return = media_upload_form_handler();
if ( is_string( $return ) ) {
return $return;
if ( is_array( $return ) ) {
$errors = $return;
if ( isset( $_GET['tab'] ) && 'type_url' === $_GET['tab'] ) {
$type = 'image';
if ( isset( $_GET['type'] ) && in_array( $_GET['type'], array( 'video', 'audio', 'file' ), true ) ) {
$type = $_GET['type'];
return wp_iframe( 'media_upload_type_url_form', $type, $errors, $id );
return wp_iframe( 'media_upload_type_form', 'image', $errors, $id );
* Downloads an image from the specified URL, saves it as an attachment, and optionally attaches it to a post.
* @since 2.6.0
* @since 4.2.0 Introduced the `$return_type` parameter.
* @since 4.8.0 Introduced the 'id' option for the `$return_type` parameter.
* @since 5.3.0 The `$post_id` parameter was made optional.
* @since 5.4.0 The original URL of the attachment is stored in the `_source_url`
* post meta value.
* @since 5.8.0 Added 'webp' to the default list of allowed file extensions.
* @param string $file The URL of the image to download.
* @param int $post_id Optional. The post ID the media is to be associated with.
* @param string $desc Optional. Description of the image.
* @param string $return_type Optional. Accepts 'html' (image tag html) or 'src' (URL),
* or 'id' (attachment ID). Default 'html'.
* @return string|int|WP_Error Populated HTML img tag, attachment ID, or attachment source
* on success, WP_Error object otherwise.
function media_sideload_image( $file, $post_id = 0, $desc = null, $return_type = 'html' ) {
if ( ! empty( $file ) ) {
$allowed_extensions = array( 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'jpe', 'png', 'gif', 'webp' );
* Filters the list of allowed file extensions when sideloading an image from a URL.
* The default allowed extensions are:
* - `jpg`
* - `jpeg`
* - `jpe`
* - `png`
* - `gif`
* - `webp`
* @since 5.6.0
* @since 5.8.0 Added 'webp' to the default list of allowed file extensions.
* @param string[] $allowed_extensions Array of allowed file extensions.
* @param string $file The URL of the image to download.
$allowed_extensions = apply_filters( 'image_sideload_extensions', $allowed_extensions, $file );
$allowed_extensions = array_map( 'preg_quote', $allowed_extensions );
// Set variables for storage, fix file filename for query strings.
preg_match( '/[^\?]+\.(' . implode( '|', $allowed_extensions ) . ')\b/i', $file, $matches );
if ( ! $matches ) {
return new WP_Error( 'image_sideload_failed', __( 'Invalid image URL.' ) );
$file_array = array();
$file_array['name'] = wp_basename( $matches[0] );
// Download file to temp location.
$file_array['tmp_name'] = download_url( $file );
// If error storing temporarily, return the error.
if ( is_wp_error( $file_array['tmp_name'] ) ) {
return $file_array['tmp_name'];
// Do the validation and storage stuff.
$id = media_handle_sideload( $file_array, $post_id, $desc );
// If error storing permanently, unlink.
if ( is_wp_error( $id ) ) {
@unlink( $file_array['tmp_name'] );
return $id;
// Store the original attachment source in meta.
add_post_meta( $id, '_source_url', $file );
// If attachment ID was requested, return it.
if ( 'id' === $return_type ) {
return $id;
$src = wp_get_attachment_url( $id );
// Finally, check to make sure the file has been saved, then return the HTML.
if ( ! empty( $src ) ) {
if ( 'src' === $return_type ) {
return $src;
$alt = isset( $desc ) ? esc_attr( $desc ) : '';
$html = "
return $html;
} else {
return new WP_Error( 'image_sideload_failed' );
* Retrieves the legacy media uploader form in an iframe.
* @since 2.5.0
* @return string|null
function media_upload_gallery() {
$errors = array();
if ( ! empty( $_POST ) ) {
$return = media_upload_form_handler();
if ( is_string( $return ) ) {
return $return;
if ( is_array( $return ) ) {
$errors = $return;
wp_enqueue_script( 'admin-gallery' );
return wp_iframe( 'media_upload_gallery_form', $errors );
* Retrieves the legacy media library form in an iframe.
* @since 2.5.0
* @return string|null
function media_upload_library() {
$errors = array();
if ( ! empty( $_POST ) ) {
$return = media_upload_form_handler();
if ( is_string( $return ) ) {
return $return;
if ( is_array( $return ) ) {
$errors = $return;
return wp_iframe( 'media_upload_library_form', $errors );
* Retrieves HTML for the image alignment radio buttons with the specified one checked.
* @since 2.7.0
* @param WP_Post $post
* @param string $checked
* @return string
function image_align_input_fields( $post, $checked = '' ) {
if ( empty( $checked ) ) {
$checked = get_user_setting( 'align', 'none' );
$alignments = array(
'none' => __( 'None' ),
'left' => __( 'Left' ),
'center' => __( 'Center' ),
'right' => __( 'Right' ),
if ( ! array_key_exists( (string) $checked, $alignments ) ) {
$checked = 'none';
$output = array();
foreach ( $alignments as $name => $label ) {
$name = esc_attr( $name );
$output[] = "";
return implode( "\n", $output );
* Retrieves HTML for the size radio buttons with the specified one checked.
* @since 2.7.0
* @param WP_Post $post
* @param bool|string $check
* @return array
function image_size_input_fields( $post, $check = '' ) {
* Filters the names and labels of the default image sizes.
* @since 3.3.0
* @param string[] $size_names Array of image size labels keyed by their name. Default values
* include 'Thumbnail', 'Medium', 'Large', and 'Full Size'.
$size_names = apply_filters(
'thumbnail' => __( 'Thumbnail' ),
'medium' => __( 'Medium' ),
'large' => __( 'Large' ),
'full' => __( 'Full Size' ),
if ( empty( $check ) ) {
$check = get_user_setting( 'imgsize', 'medium' );
$output = array();
foreach ( $size_names as $size => $label ) {
$downsize = image_downsize( $post->ID, $size );
$checked = '';
// Is this size selectable?
$enabled = ( $downsize[3] || 'full' === $size );
$css_id = "image-size-{$size}-{$post->ID}";
// If this size is the default but that's not available, don't select it.
if ( $size == $check ) {
if ( $enabled ) {
$checked = " checked='checked'";
} else {
$check = '';
} elseif ( ! $check && $enabled && 'thumbnail' !== $size ) {
* If $check is not enabled, default to the first available size
* that's bigger than a thumbnail.
$check = $size;
$checked = " checked='checked'";
$html = "
* Outputs a textarea element for inputting an attachment caption.
* @since 3.4.0
* @param WP_Post $edit_post Attachment WP_Post object.
* @return string HTML markup for the textarea element.
function wp_caption_input_textarea( $edit_post ) {
// Post data is already escaped.
$name = "attachments[{$edit_post->ID}][post_excerpt]";
return '';
* Retrieves the image attachment fields to edit form fields.
* @since 2.5.0
* @param array $form_fields
* @param object $post
* @return array
function image_attachment_fields_to_edit( $form_fields, $post ) {
return $form_fields;
* Retrieves the single non-image attachment fields to edit form fields.
* @since 2.5.0
* @param array $form_fields An array of attachment form fields.
* @param WP_Post $post The WP_Post attachment object.
* @return array Filtered attachment form fields.
function media_single_attachment_fields_to_edit( $form_fields, $post ) {
unset( $form_fields['url'], $form_fields['align'], $form_fields['image-size'] );
return $form_fields;
* Retrieves the post non-image attachment fields to edit form fields.
* @since 2.8.0
* @param array $form_fields An array of attachment form fields.
* @param WP_Post $post The WP_Post attachment object.
* @return array Filtered attachment form fields.
function media_post_single_attachment_fields_to_edit( $form_fields, $post ) {
unset( $form_fields['image_url'] );
return $form_fields;
* Retrieves the media element HTML to send to the editor.
* @since 2.5.0
* @param string $html
* @param int $attachment_id
* @param array $attachment
* @return string
function image_media_send_to_editor( $html, $attachment_id, $attachment ) {
$post = get_post( $attachment_id );
if ( str_starts_with( $post->post_mime_type, 'image' ) ) {
$url = $attachment['url'];
$align = ! empty( $attachment['align'] ) ? $attachment['align'] : 'none';
$size = ! empty( $attachment['image-size'] ) ? $attachment['image-size'] : 'medium';
$alt = ! empty( $attachment['image_alt'] ) ? $attachment['image_alt'] : '';
$rel = ( str_contains( $url, 'attachment_id' ) || get_attachment_link( $attachment_id ) === $url );
return get_image_send_to_editor( $attachment_id, $attachment['post_excerpt'], $attachment['post_title'], $align, $url, $rel, $size, $alt );
return $html;
* Retrieves the attachment fields to edit form fields.
* @since 2.5.0
* @param WP_Post $post
* @param array $errors
* @return array
function get_attachment_fields_to_edit( $post, $errors = null ) {
if ( is_int( $post ) ) {
$post = get_post( $post );
if ( is_array( $post ) ) {
$post = new WP_Post( (object) $post );
$image_url = wp_get_attachment_url( $post->ID );
$edit_post = sanitize_post( $post, 'edit' );
$form_fields = array(
'post_title' => array(
'label' => __( 'Title' ),
'value' => $edit_post->post_title,
'image_alt' => array(),
'post_excerpt' => array(
'label' => __( 'Caption' ),
'input' => 'html',
'html' => wp_caption_input_textarea( $edit_post ),
'post_content' => array(
'label' => __( 'Description' ),
'value' => $edit_post->post_content,
'input' => 'textarea',
'url' => array(
'label' => __( 'Link URL' ),
'input' => 'html',
'html' => image_link_input_fields( $post, get_option( 'image_default_link_type' ) ),
'helps' => __( 'Enter a link URL or click above for presets.' ),
'menu_order' => array(
'label' => __( 'Order' ),
'value' => $edit_post->menu_order,
'image_url' => array(
'label' => __( 'File URL' ),
'input' => 'html',
'html' => "
'value' => wp_get_attachment_url( $post->ID ),
'helps' => __( 'Location of the uploaded file.' ),
foreach ( get_attachment_taxonomies( $post ) as $taxonomy ) {
$t = (array) get_taxonomy( $taxonomy );
if ( ! $t['public'] || ! $t['show_ui'] ) {
if ( empty( $t['label'] ) ) {
$t['label'] = $taxonomy;
if ( empty( $t['args'] ) ) {
$t['args'] = array();
$terms = get_object_term_cache( $post->ID, $taxonomy );
if ( false === $terms ) {
$terms = wp_get_object_terms( $post->ID, $taxonomy, $t['args'] );
$values = array();
foreach ( $terms as $term ) {
$values[] = $term->slug;
$t['value'] = implode( ', ', $values );
$form_fields[ $taxonomy ] = $t;
* Merge default fields with their errors, so any key passed with the error
* (e.g. 'error', 'helps', 'value') will replace the default.
* The recursive merge is easily traversed with array casting:
* foreach ( (array) $things as $thing )
$form_fields = array_merge_recursive( $form_fields, (array) $errors );
// This was formerly in image_attachment_fields_to_edit().
if ( str_starts_with( $post->post_mime_type, 'image' ) ) {
$alt = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true );
if ( empty( $alt ) ) {
$alt = '';
$form_fields['post_title']['required'] = true;
$form_fields['image_alt'] = array(
'value' => $alt,
'label' => __( 'Alternative Text' ),
'helps' => __( 'Alt text for the image, e.g. “The Mona Lisa”' ),
$form_fields['align'] = array(
'label' => __( 'Alignment' ),
'input' => 'html',
'html' => image_align_input_fields( $post, get_option( 'image_default_align' ) ),
$form_fields['image-size'] = image_size_input_fields( $post, get_option( 'image_default_size', 'medium' ) );
} else {
unset( $form_fields['image_alt'] );
* Filters the attachment fields to edit.
* @since 2.5.0
* @param array $form_fields An array of attachment form fields.
* @param WP_Post $post The WP_Post attachment object.
$form_fields = apply_filters( 'attachment_fields_to_edit', $form_fields, $post );
return $form_fields;
* Retrieves HTML for media items of post gallery.
* The HTML markup retrieved will be created for the progress of SWF Upload
* component. Will also create link for showing and hiding the form to modify
* the image attachment.
* @since 2.5.0
* @global WP_Query $wp_the_query WordPress Query object.
* @param int $post_id Post ID.
* @param array $errors Errors for attachment, if any.
* @return string HTML content for media items of post gallery.
function get_media_items( $post_id, $errors ) {
$attachments = array();
if ( $post_id ) {
$post = get_post( $post_id );
if ( $post && 'attachment' === $post->post_type ) {
$attachments = array( $post->ID => $post );
} else {
$attachments = get_children(
'post_parent' => $post_id,
'post_type' => 'attachment',
'orderby' => 'menu_order ASC, ID',
'order' => 'DESC',
} else {
if ( is_array( $GLOBALS['wp_the_query']->posts ) ) {
foreach ( $GLOBALS['wp_the_query']->posts as $attachment ) {
$attachments[ $attachment->ID ] = $attachment;
$output = '';
foreach ( (array) $attachments as $id => $attachment ) {
if ( 'trash' === $attachment->post_status ) {
$item = get_media_item( $id, array( 'errors' => isset( $errors[ $id ] ) ? $errors[ $id ] : null ) );
if ( $item ) {
$output .= "\n ";
return $output;
* Retrieves HTML form for modifying the image attachment.
* @since 2.5.0
* @global string $redir_tab
* @param int $attachment_id Attachment ID for modification.
* @param string|array $args Optional. Override defaults.
* @return string HTML form for attachment.
function get_media_item( $attachment_id, $args = null ) {
global $redir_tab;
$thumb_url = false;
$attachment_id = (int) $attachment_id;
if ( $attachment_id ) {
$thumb_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $attachment_id, 'thumbnail', true );
if ( $thumb_url ) {
$thumb_url = $thumb_url[0];
$post = get_post( $attachment_id );
$current_post_id = ! empty( $_GET['post_id'] ) ? (int) $_GET['post_id'] : 0;
$default_args = array(
'errors' => null,
'send' => $current_post_id ? post_type_supports( get_post_type( $current_post_id ), 'editor' ) : true,
'delete' => true,
'toggle' => true,
'show_title' => true,
$parsed_args = wp_parse_args( $args, $default_args );
* Filters the arguments used to retrieve an image for the edit image form.
* @since 3.1.0
* @see get_media_item
* @param array $parsed_args An array of arguments.
$parsed_args = apply_filters( 'get_media_item_args', $parsed_args );
$toggle_on = __( 'Show' );
$toggle_off = __( 'Hide' );
$file = get_attached_file( $post->ID );
$filename = esc_html( wp_basename( $file ) );
$title = esc_attr( $post->post_title );
$post_mime_types = get_post_mime_types();
$keys = array_keys( wp_match_mime_types( array_keys( $post_mime_types ), $post->post_mime_type ) );
$type = reset( $keys );
$type_html = "";
$form_fields = get_attachment_fields_to_edit( $post, $parsed_args['errors'] );
if ( $parsed_args['toggle'] ) {
$class = empty( $parsed_args['errors'] ) ? 'startclosed' : 'startopen';
$toggle_links = "
} else {
$class = '';
$toggle_links = '';
$display_title = ( ! empty( $title ) ) ? $title : $filename; // $title shouldn't ever be empty, but just in case.
$display_title = $parsed_args['show_title'] ? "
foreach ( $hidden_fields as $name => $value ) {
$item .= "\t\n";
if ( $post->post_parent < 1 && isset( $_REQUEST['post_id'] ) ) {
$parent = (int) $_REQUEST['post_id'];
$parent_name = "attachments[$attachment_id][post_parent]";
$item .= "\t\n";
return $item;
* @since 3.5.0
* @param int $attachment_id
* @param array $args
* @return array
function get_compat_media_markup( $attachment_id, $args = null ) {
$post = get_post( $attachment_id );
$default_args = array(
'errors' => null,
'in_modal' => false,
$user_can_edit = current_user_can( 'edit_post', $attachment_id );
$args = wp_parse_args( $args, $default_args );
/** This filter is documented in wp-admin/includes/media.php */
$args = apply_filters( 'get_media_item_args', $args );
$form_fields = array();
if ( $args['in_modal'] ) {
foreach ( get_attachment_taxonomies( $post ) as $taxonomy ) {
$t = (array) get_taxonomy( $taxonomy );
if ( ! $t['public'] || ! $t['show_ui'] ) {
if ( empty( $t['label'] ) ) {
$t['label'] = $taxonomy;
if ( empty( $t['args'] ) ) {
$t['args'] = array();
$terms = get_object_term_cache( $post->ID, $taxonomy );
if ( false === $terms ) {
$terms = wp_get_object_terms( $post->ID, $taxonomy, $t['args'] );
$values = array();
foreach ( $terms as $term ) {
$values[] = $term->slug;
$t['value'] = implode( ', ', $values );
$t['taxonomy'] = true;
$form_fields[ $taxonomy ] = $t;
* Merge default fields with their errors, so any key passed with the error
* (e.g. 'error', 'helps', 'value') will replace the default.
* The recursive merge is easily traversed with array casting:
* foreach ( (array) $things as $thing )
$form_fields = array_merge_recursive( $form_fields, (array) $args['errors'] );
/** This filter is documented in wp-admin/includes/media.php */
$form_fields = apply_filters( 'attachment_fields_to_edit', $form_fields, $post );
/** This filter is documented in wp-admin/includes/media.php */
$media_meta = apply_filters( 'media_meta', '', $post );
$defaults = array(
'input' => 'text',
'required' => false,
'value' => '',
'extra_rows' => array(),
'show_in_edit' => true,
'show_in_modal' => true,
$hidden_fields = array();
$item = '';
foreach ( $form_fields as $id => $field ) {
if ( '_' === $id[0] ) {
$name = "attachments[$attachment_id][$id]";
$id_attr = "attachments-$attachment_id-$id";
if ( ! empty( $field['tr'] ) ) {
$item .= $field['tr'];
$field = array_merge( $defaults, $field );
if ( ( ! $field['show_in_edit'] && ! $args['in_modal'] ) || ( ! $field['show_in_modal'] && $args['in_modal'] ) ) {
if ( 'hidden' === $field['input'] ) {
$hidden_fields[ $name ] = $field['value'];
$readonly = ! $user_can_edit && ! empty( $field['taxonomy'] ) ? " readonly='readonly' " : '';
$required = $field['required'] ? ' ' . wp_required_field_indicator() : '';
$required_attr = $field['required'] ? ' required' : '';
$class = 'compat-field-' . $id;
$class .= $field['required'] ? ' form-required' : '';
$item .= "\t\t
$item .= "
$defaults = array(
'input' => 'text',
'required' => false,
'value' => '',
'extra_rows' => array(),
if ( $parsed_args['send'] ) {
$parsed_args['send'] = get_submit_button( __( 'Insert into Post' ), '', "send[$attachment_id]", false );
$delete = empty( $parsed_args['delete'] ) ? '' : $parsed_args['delete'];
if ( $delete && current_user_can( 'delete_post', $attachment_id ) ) {
$delete = "" . __( 'Delete Permanently' ) . '';
} elseif ( ! MEDIA_TRASH ) {
$delete = "" . __( 'Delete' ) . "
} else {
$delete = "" . __( 'Move to Trash' ) . "
} else {
$delete = '';
$thumbnail = '';
$calling_post_id = 0;
if ( isset( $_GET['post_id'] ) ) {
$calling_post_id = absint( $_GET['post_id'] );
} elseif ( isset( $_POST ) && count( $_POST ) ) {// Like for async-upload where $_GET['post_id'] isn't set.
$calling_post_id = $post->post_parent;
if ( 'image' === $type && $calling_post_id
&& current_theme_supports( 'post-thumbnails', get_post_type( $calling_post_id ) )
&& post_type_supports( get_post_type( $calling_post_id ), 'thumbnail' )
&& get_post_thumbnail_id( $calling_post_id ) != $attachment_id
) {
$calling_post = get_post( $calling_post_id );
$calling_post_type_object = get_post_type_object( $calling_post->post_type );
$ajax_nonce = wp_create_nonce( "set_post_thumbnail-$calling_post_id" );
$thumbnail = "" . esc_html( $calling_post_type_object->labels->use_featured_image ) . '';
if ( ( $parsed_args['send'] || $thumbnail || $delete ) && ! isset( $form_fields['buttons'] ) ) {
$form_fields['buttons'] = array( 'tr' => "\t\t \n" );
$hidden_fields = array();
foreach ( $form_fields as $id => $field ) {
if ( '_' === $id[0] ) {
if ( ! empty( $field['tr'] ) ) {
$item .= $field['tr'];
$field = array_merge( $defaults, $field );
$name = "attachments[$attachment_id][$id]";
if ( 'hidden' === $field['input'] ) {
$hidden_fields[ $name ] = $field['value'];
$required = $field['required'] ? ' ' . wp_required_field_indicator() : '';
$required_attr = $field['required'] ? ' required' : '';
$class = $id;
$class .= $field['required'] ? ' form-required' : '';
$item .= "\t\t" . $parsed_args['send'] . " $thumbnail $delete \n\t\t\t \n";
$extra_rows = array();
if ( ! empty( $field['errors'] ) ) {
foreach ( array_unique( (array) $field['errors'] ) as $error ) {
$extra_rows['error'][] = $error;
if ( ! empty( $field['extra_rows'] ) ) {
foreach ( $field['extra_rows'] as $class => $rows ) {
foreach ( (array) $rows as $html ) {
$extra_rows[ $class ][] = $html;
foreach ( $extra_rows as $class => $rows ) {
foreach ( $rows as $html ) {
$item .= "\t\t\n\t\t\t ";
if ( ! empty( $field[ $field['input'] ] ) ) {
$item .= $field[ $field['input'] ];
} elseif ( 'textarea' === $field['input'] ) {
if ( 'post_content' === $id && user_can_richedit() ) {
// Sanitize_post() skips the post_content when user_can_richedit.
$field['value'] = htmlspecialchars( $field['value'], ENT_QUOTES );
// Post_excerpt is already escaped by sanitize_post() in get_attachment_fields_to_edit().
$item .= "';
} else {
$item .= "";
if ( ! empty( $field['helps'] ) ) {
$item .= " \n\t\t \n";
if ( ! empty( $form_fields['_final'] ) ) {
$item .= "\t\t$html \n";
$item .= "\t\n";
$item .= "\t{$form_fields['_final']} ";
$item .= "\t\t\t \n";
$extra_rows = array();
if ( ! empty( $field['errors'] ) ) {
foreach ( array_unique( (array) $field['errors'] ) as $error ) {
$extra_rows['error'][] = $error;
if ( ! empty( $field['extra_rows'] ) ) {
foreach ( $field['extra_rows'] as $class => $rows ) {
foreach ( (array) $rows as $html ) {
$extra_rows[ $class ][] = $html;
foreach ( $extra_rows as $class => $rows ) {
foreach ( $rows as $html ) {
$item .= "\t\t";
$item .= " \n\t\t\t";
if ( ! empty( $field[ $field['input'] ] ) ) {
$item .= $field[ $field['input'] ];
} elseif ( 'textarea' === $field['input'] ) {
if ( 'post_content' === $id && user_can_richedit() ) {
// sanitize_post() skips the post_content when user_can_richedit.
$field['value'] = htmlspecialchars( $field['value'], ENT_QUOTES );
$item .= "';
} else {
$item .= "";
if ( ! empty( $field['helps'] ) ) {
$item .= " \n\t\t \n";
if ( ! empty( $form_fields['_final'] ) ) {
$item .= "\t\t$html \n";
if ( $item ) {
$item = '{$form_fields['_final']}
' . wp_required_field_message() . '
' . '' . sprintf( /* translators: %s: https://apps.wordpress.org/ */ __( 'The web browser on your device cannot be used to upload files. You may be able to use the native app for your device instead.' ), 'https://apps.wordpress.org/' ) . '
'; return; } $upload_action_url = admin_url( 'async-upload.php' ); $post_id = isset( $_REQUEST['post_id'] ) ? (int) $_REQUEST['post_id'] : 0; $_type = isset( $type ) ? $type : ''; $_tab = isset( $tab ) ? $tab : ''; $max_upload_size = wp_max_upload_size(); if ( ! $max_upload_size ) { $max_upload_size = 0; } ?>
' . wp_required_field_message() . '
' . __( 'Link text, e.g. “Ransom Demands (PDF)”' ) . ' | |
' . __( 'Alt text for the image, e.g. “The Mona Lisa”' ) . ' |
' . __( 'Enter a link URL or click above for presets.' ) . ' |
' . get_submit_button( __( 'Insert into Post' ), '', 'insertonlybutton', false ) . ' |
browser uploader instead.' ), $browser_uploader, 'target="_blank"' ); ?>
'; $end = ''; } ?> ' . sprintf( /* translators: %s: Allowed space allocation. */ __( 'Sorry, you have used your space allocation of %s. Please delete some files to upload more files.' ), size_format( get_space_allowed() * MB_IN_BYTES ) ) . ''; } /** * Displays the image and editor in the post editor * * @since 3.5.0 * * @param WP_Post $post A post object. */ function edit_form_image_editor( $post ) { $open = isset( $_GET['image-editor'] ); if ( $open ) { require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/image-edit.php'; } $thumb_url = false; $attachment_id = (int) $post->ID; if ( $attachment_id ) { $thumb_url = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $attachment_id, array( 900, 450 ), true ); } $alt_text = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true ); $att_url = wp_get_attachment_url( $post->ID ); ?> ID ); echo $extras['item']; echo '' . "\n"; } /** * Displays non-editable attachment metadata in the publish meta box. * * @since 3.5.0 */ function attachment_submitbox_metadata() { $post = get_post(); $attachment_id = $post->ID; $file = get_attached_file( $attachment_id ); $filename = esc_html( wp_basename( $file ) ); $media_dims = ''; $meta = wp_get_attachment_metadata( $attachment_id ); if ( isset( $meta['width'], $meta['height'] ) ) { /* translators: 1: A number of pixels wide, 2: A number of pixels tall. */ $media_dims .= "" . sprintf( __( '%1$s by %2$s pixels' ), $meta['width'], $meta['height'] ) . ''; } /** This filter is documented in wp-admin/includes/media.php */ $media_dims = apply_filters( 'media_meta', $media_dims, $post ); $att_url = wp_get_attachment_url( $attachment_id ); $author = new WP_User( $post->post_author ); $uploaded_by_name = __( '(no author)' ); $uploaded_by_link = ''; if ( $author->exists() ) { $uploaded_by_name = $author->display_name ? $author->display_name : $author->nickname; $uploaded_by_link = get_edit_user_link( $author->ID ); } ?> post_parent ) { $post_parent = get_post( $post->post_parent ); if ( $post_parent ) { $uploaded_to_title = $post_parent->post_title ? $post_parent->post_title : __( '(no title)' ); $uploaded_to_link = get_edit_post_link( $post->post_parent, 'raw' ); ?>